
EDE Course

The Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) was born out of the experiences of long existing communities and cutting-edge educators in order to teach how to create a new way of living which brings together the four key dimensions of an ecovillage: social, cultural/worldview, environmental and economic.

A Concrete Step for Twinship

The realization of the twinning of an eco-village in the South, Guedè Chantier, Senegal, and an eco-village in the North, Damanhur, Italy.

Damanhur Education NGO and the UN

Over the years Damanhur Education supported activities linked to the Un and In 2018 was granted Special consultative status with ECOSOC, one of the UN bodies.


In November 2015 two members of Damanhur Education NGO participated in the Green Phoenix Conference in Switzerland. During the meeting a member from a Greek ecovillage shared about the conditions of the refugees landing in Greece and the “RefuGEN” mission was born.

Shamans and representatives of indigenous peoples at Damanhur

Damanhur Education invites shamans and representatives of indigenous peoples to come to Damanhur and share their ancient wisdom with us.

Coaching Online in the refugee camp Kakuma in Kenya

Damanhur Education NGO delivered an Online training in conflict resolution and leadership in the refugee camp Kakuma, Kenya.